TeamAfrica releases guidelines for membership
TeamAfrica has released guidelines for membership of the New pan African travel association.
In a press statement in Lagos, one of the promoters Mr. Ikechi Uko stated that the group will start registering new members on the website by the end of March .
He disclosed that all new members have to be recommended by the any of the 5 founding members.
” TeamAfrica is open to anyone who meets the criteria outlined in the guidelines.” he further said.
Mr. Uko also said that the 21 wonders of Africa which is the flagship project of the group will be launched immediately after registering New members.
He explained that the delay in the takeoff of the project is because of legal issues that needed to be sorted before take off.
According to Mr. Ikechi, “People wanting to join before the 30th of March should contact Ikechi Uko, Sandra Idossou, Denis Gathanju, Wolfgang Thome or Carmen Nigibira to recommend them. After the 30th of March they can register on the TeamAfrica website.
Team Africa with the motto;Africans for Africa is aimed at Promoting travel within Africa by Africans.
Team Africa has its headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria.
It has the other objectives like promoting Africa as a desirable destination to Africans, grow trade, travel and tourism within Africa, improve economic well-being of Africans through tourism & travel, grow network & linkage between Africans, build a continent wide partnership of Africans interested in Africa, network with Africans in diaspora as a way of growing travel within Africa.
The other objectives include: Work with any organization or persons with similar objectives to grow intra- African trade, travel & tourism, provide a platform for Africans to relate and interact with one another.
While the Short term and long time goals include Search & promotion of the 21 wonders of Africa, Promote Africa open skies, Promote the project for a visa less Africa for Africans (the African passport), promote African events within African, get at least 10million Africans to travel within Africa in 3 years time.
On the derivables, it has plans to get 10million intra Africa visitors in 3 years, grow GDP through travel & tourism, grow profit of African Airlines and Hotels, grow the value and equity of African events, grow intra-African trade, and build a more united and peaceful continent.
TeamAfrica is a business group while wonders of Africa is one of the projects of TeamAfrica.
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